
Non-stick Cookware vs.Hard Anodized Cookware : What is the Best Non-Stick Cookware?

The debate over hard anodized cookware vs. non-stick cookware has been raging since hard anodized cookware entered the market, and de-throned non stick cookware as the go-to cookware for home cooks looking for cookware that was easy to use, and easy to clean.
Non-stick cookware has been the most popular cookware in millions of home kitchens around the world, since the slippery coating that prevents food from sticking was developed in the 1940’s, and marketed to the public in the 1950’s by DuPont as Teflon® coated non-stick cookware.

There are now several types of non-stick cookware on the market today, some made with and without the potentially dangerous Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).  A popular type of cookware, which was developed by leading cookware manufacturer Calphalon, in 1968 to prevent food from sticking to the pan and withstand the daily beating of a professional kitchen is hard anodized cookware,  This type of non stick cookware is popular with professional chefs and home cooks who want a non-stick cookware, but that is 100% PFOA-free.

